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One Tree Planted

As we continue our discussion about non-profit organizations dedicated to environmental conservation, today we will talk about One Tree Planted, a Vermont-based non-profit organization dedicated to combating deforestation across the world.

One Tree Planted was founded in 2014 with the goal of battling deforestation by planting new trees in place of ones that have been destroyed. For every dollar that is donated, a tree gets planted, and the dollar itself is divided up into change that goes towards preparing land, growing saplings, and planting trees into the ground. Since the founding of this organization, the number of donations and the scope of this project have grown significantly over the last seven years. This organization has raised millions of dollars, and planted millions of trees across the world, reaching far beyond their home state of Vermont.

As an environmental sustainability project, there are things we can learn from what One Tree Planted has accomplished. They show us how the power of donations and community support can launch a project to great heights. While we do not have the worldwide support they have, we can still build and thrive off the support of people in our immediate area and thrive off of donations and support from people who also support what it is we are trying to strive to accomplish. With time and support, we too can become a strong organization that fights to conserve and sustain our current environment, similar to what One Tree Planted has accomplished. If you want to check out One Tree Planted for yourself, follow the link below.

-Edible Landscape Initiative Team

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