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Water Conservation

Water conservation is a great way for you and your family to help the environment. It may not seem like much, but conserving water can be one of the little things you do that have a major impact on the environment we live in. Most of your daily household chores or activities may consume considerable amounts of water, so its important for you to know what things you can do in your daily life to help save water.

Such activities can include:

Taking shorter showers

-Turn the water off when you brush your teeth

-Check your faucets/toilets for leaks

-Don't use the hose when washing your car except to rinse

-Water your plants or lawn in the cooler parts of the day, and do so only when absolutely necessary

There are also many different ways that water can be conserved, but regardless of the route you may take, these things can go a long way towards helping both our environment and communities. By saving water, you can help keep water available for other uses that can benefit everyone while also preventing the pollution of it (keep in mind that only 3% of water is drinkable, and an even smaller percentage of that is available to be used, so every drop counts). Conserving water is a simple but great way to create positive impacts on our environment, and we encourage you to try it whenever you get the chance

-Edible Landscape Initiative Team


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