One of the easiest ways to recycle in your home is through planting. Many people assume that to grow plants effectively you need the best soil, the best water, the best sunlight, temperature, and pots. However, while some of these are important, some are much less so. To effectively grow a beautiful plant in and around your home you do not need a large and expensive pot. There are plenty of ways that you can use supplies all-around your home to save money, save resources, and save the earth. Pots only need proper drainage and ventilation to help the plant get the resources it needs. Many plastic pots that are built for plants lack these features. Creating one at home can save money and time.
Creating a pot at home can be as easy as putting soil in a mason jar or can be upgraded to optimize drainage. Mason jars, tin cans, or simple jars lying around can all be used to create a perfect gardening area.
For our more advanced gardeners, you can use plastic two-liter bottles to create a self-watering plant system. To do this place a two-liter bottle upright and poke three holes around the lid. Cut the bottle in half so the lid is on one half and the bottom is how the bottle would normally stand. Pour water into the bottom half and then flip the top part over to fit into the bottom half. Fill the top half with soil and your plant. The plant will suck the water up and you only have to refill when the water in the bottom is gone. There are plenty of easy and simple solutions to help everyone reuse items in their home to help make a lasting impact on our planet.