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NC Botanical Garden at UNC Chaple Hill

The NC Botanical Garden is located at UNC and was developed to support the organization's mission of education and conservation. The garden brings people from the individual and private sectors to support the mission of education and conservation. The concept of the Conservation Garden was developed to show the various conservation activities that are related to preservation which is the heart of the garden.

The Garden has a lot of plant conservation programs that are used to protect and preserve rare plant life. These programs conduct a lot of research on the restoration of rare plants as well as creating a seed bank to protect the genetic material of many of the rarest plants in the Southeastern United States. Another great program is the Native Plant Material Development Program and was developed to increase the diversity of some common species for ecological restoration. The efforts that the Plant Conservation Program puts in can greatly help with the future preservation and growth of new and rare species of plants.

The Botanical Garden also hosts a variety of events that aim to educate the public about various plant species. For the upcoming month of October, they seven events that range from the identification, ecology, and cultivation of mushrooms to a virtual tour of some of the rarest and most beautiful, yet overlooked, species of wildflowers. These events are a great way of getting a better understanding of various plant species and understanding their ecology. The Botanical Garden has events every month that vary in terms of the topics they cover.

To learn more about the NC Botanical Garden and the programs/events they have visit

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