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Passion For The Environment: Heather

In our final blog series for the fall each member will take a moment to introduce themselves fully and dive into their passion regarding our project. It is always important when advocating for these changes in others that we also take the time to reflect and share why we are dedicated to sustaining our environment, and the ‘green’ behaviors that we have implemented in our lives.

First up this week is me, Heather. I am a sophomore majoring in Recreational Therapy and I am very passionate about the environment. Growing up my family was always very conscious of the waste that we made and the amount of energy that we were using. I was constantly reminded by my mother to turn off lights when I left the room or to recycle items instead of throwing them away. There are two ‘green’ habits that I am particularly passionate about within my life: composting/homemaking food and reducing unnecessary transportation.

1. Composting/Homemaking Foods - In my opinion, this is one of the easiest ways to reduce waste that is sent to a landfill. There are LOTS of foods that can be composted rather than sent to the landfill, and these natural foods can be deposited in your yard and will decompose naturally. Some items that can be composted are:

  • egg shells

  • fruits (banana peels, apple cores, etc…)

  • vegetables (potato peels, ends of vegetables that can’t be cooked, etc…)

Along with composting, making your food at home can also help to reduce waste. Using fresh foods (like fruits and vegetables) in your meals allows you to compost your ‘leftovers’ rather than throw them away like you would with foods that come in plastic. Making your food at home is also healthier (which is always good)!


2. Reducing Unnecessary Transportation - Reducing carbon footprint through conscious efforts in my transportation habits has been a concept that I have grown up with. When I was younger, my mom taught me that if we were going out, then we should complete all of our errands in a cohesive manner to reduce the amount of time we are out, which in turn reduces the emissions from our car. For instance, if I am running errands I make a list of all the places I need to go and then I map out the best route to get through all of the places I need to go. I start farthest away from my house and work my way back in a line, instead of going back and forth and back and forth between locations.

Along with reducing the amount that I use my car, I also try to walk or ride my bike whenever possible. I have started riding my bike to work (weather permitting) and as a college student I am used to walking on campus everywhere that I need to go. These are easy ways to fully reduce your carbon footprint for that outing.

These are just some of the ways that I have integrated ‘green’ habits into my life, and while there are many more, these are the habits that I find myself thinking about most often. Despite many things you may hear, there is no one good way to make your life a little more eco-friendly, and I believe that everyone can change their life in a different way to reduce their environmental impact.

Thank you for reading, and I hope that you find a ‘green’ habit that you can integrate into YOUR life!

- Heather Mauzy (Edible Landscape Team)


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