My name is Grace, and this project is one of my biggest passions.
I joined the Edible Landscape Initiative almost a year after it was created. I was inspired and amazed at the passion and the ingenuity of the members of the team. Their work was really going to make a difference, and I wanted to be a part of it. I am an Elementary Education major and I saw a chance to take this project and develop it into one that benefits every person within our community. Each aspect of this project is linked back to the community to provide a better outlook, environment, better resources, and opportunities for each member of the community. As my focus is on Education I am always looking for ways to incorporate learning into the world. For this project, we hope to in the future to develop activities and a curriculum around the orchard to support learning about the environment.
For older students, we hope to create an area that students can go to study and relax. Being outside in the environment is proven to help reduce stress and benefit health. This project is focused on providing areas of change within our community. This project can benefit each person and because of that, it is my passion.
- Grace Harper (Edible Landscape Team)