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Bees as Pollinators

With spring getting started and the weather getting warmer, we notice a lot more insects flying or crawling around. Of the many insects that come out of hiding are bees, an important pollinator. These buzzing insects serve an important role in our ecosystem but helping with the pollination of plants. Every bit of produce that we consume comes from plants that are pollinated by bees and other important pollinators. Corps that are grown for their fruit or seeds need pollination and this is where insects like bees come into play. They help with pollination by collecting pollen, a source of protein for bees. Some of the pollen gets attracted to the fuzzy hairs all over the bee’s body and when the bee flies over to another flower the pollen rubs off and pollinates the flower.

This is why it is important to help the bee population because without them a lot of plant and tree species would have a difficult time growing. With more land being allocated for residential or commercial use we are taking up space for bees to live. We hope to help the bee population with the installment of our orchard and aid in the flourishment of their population.

-Edible Landscape Initiative



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